Don't be afraid to bleed on paper, for it is through vulnerability that we create our best work. So go ahead, let your pen flow and see where it takes you.

Dramatic Monologue

A dramatic monologue is a type of poetry where a single speaker/writer addresses a silent listener/reader, revealing their thoughts, feelings, and motivations. This form often captures a moment of intense emotion or a pivotal event, allowing the audience to gain insight into the character's psyche. The writer's voice is typically distinct and personal, creating a vivid portrayal of their inner conflict or situation.

Pen that sees & Paper that listens

If only paper could talk,
Heart would have harken to my cry,
They would hear how it sucks,
They'd understand that I have tried.
If only heart could be loudly heard,
I would have known where it struck,
I'd have seen how deep the wound is,
I'd have understand how hard it's.
I say if only "I'm fine" could be truly decipher,
I would have been known as a saviour,
I would have deliver some heads that are a heavily laden,
I would have eased thousands burden.
Eyes turn to fire,
Blood become shorter,
Stress grow higher,
Yet mouth smile wider,
Ọ di ka ọ di,
Only pen and paper knows the secret.
Pen is blind but to them it can see,
Paper is deaf yet can hear the wail of the sea,
The pain that lies beneath the abyss of heart,
And the one what hid behind the shining teeth,
All man can't reveal,
Yet pen and paper can receive.
© Boluwatife Alabi. O

Cormorant Garamond is a classic font with a modern twist. It's easy to read on screens of every shape and size, and perfect for long blocks of text.

Cormorant Garamond is a classic font with a modern twist. It's easy to read on screens of every shape and size, and perfect for long blocks of text.

Cormorant Garamond is a classic font with a modern twist. It's easy to read on screens of every shape and size, and perfect for long blocks of text.
Nom du projet

Cormorant Garamond is a classic font with a modern twist. It's easy to read on screens of every shape and size, and perfect for long blocks of text.
The Unknown Soldier

I am your unknown soldier, sleeping and unsung.
I fought, got maimed, I was taken prisoner and hung.
I spilled my blood for the imperialist's glory.
I gave my own life for the general's story.
I promoted him with an indelible name.
I got his name enshrined in history's hall of fame.
He drank my precious blood for his exaltation.
He is eulogized in every celebration.
He enjoys the war booty I lavished on him.
My exploits are sung in his honour like a hymn.
I conquered vast lands for the imperialist's greed.
For his selfish ambition I was made to bleed.
On the gains of my own conquest he came to feed.
But to oblivion I have always been consigned.
My own heroism has never been defined.
I am none else but the ageold soldier unknown,
the one whose heroism will never be known.
The state buries my bravery in an unmarked grave,
with no record at all of all to it I gave.
Where else could my honoured general be interred,
but the stately mausoleum that makes him revered?
© Joseph C Ogbonna

Cormorant Garamond is a classic font with a modern twist. It's easy to read on screens of every shape and size, and perfect for long blocks of text.

Cormorant Garamond is a classic font with a modern twist. It's easy to read on screens of every shape and size, and perfect for long blocks of text.

Cormorant Garamond is a classic font with a modern twist. It's easy to read on screens of every shape and size, and perfect for long blocks of text.
Nom du projet

Cormorant Garamond is a classic font with a modern twist. It's easy to read on screens of every shape and size, and perfect for long blocks of text.