Don't be afraid to bleed on paper, for it is through vulnerability that we create our best work. So go ahead, let your pen flow and see where it takes you.
B.M. Ella, Author's Page
Meet Joshua, a highly skilled writer whose literary prowess is sure to captivate and enthrall readers.
He has a Bachelor’s degree in History from Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton, Florida. He is forty years old and lives in Boca Raton, FL.
Joshua has written three other books, including New Direction. The books include Innocent and Executed, New Direction, THE NON VIOLENT MOVEMENT: PRESENT DAY NONVOLENT REVOLUTION, Education Mania, Is a University the New Doctor?
and Is Modern Prohibition a Repeat of Alcohol Restrictions? For the black markets of drugs, prostitution, guns, sanctions, immigration, and gambling?
The current book, New Direction and Education Mania, has been previously published. Like his other books, he used many sources for New Direction, including the Internet, books, and TV.
All his research books are written in APA style and he uses television sources as well. Joshua's research books are not mere stories, but rather immersive experiences that transport readers to uncharted territories of possibilities. With his unique style and captivating, Joshua's works are certain to engage and leave a lasting impression on his audience.
Click on the the links below to embark on a journey of wonder and discovery with the beautiful research books of Joshua:
Education Mania; Is University the New Doctor?
There are alternatives to college, and you don’t have to attend university to get a job. My research found that many college graduates were unemployed and underemployed. Even some physicians were unemployed, and they had trouble getting residency. They end up on the food stamp lines and some homeless. Hopefully, college to nothing, apprentices, precision education, getting rid of the dissertation, allowing teenage labor, and getting rid of the school bus. It will prevent another lost generation of college grads from being on the food stamp line. Also, it will allow the university to do its goals and professors to do research. Therefore, you will get full degree benefits if you attend college.
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New Direction: The Nonviolent Movement: Present Day Nonviolent Revolution
People who will want a revolution will want to read the book. The current system of government has failed and needs a new direction. It will inspire you to expand your mind about war powers and the possibility of wanting a parliamentary system. We could have a strong Prime Minister and a weak president. That is, you get elected by the party by the number of seats you get. You have more checks and balances in a parliamentary system than in this system. That is by calling a constitutional convention requiring 2/3 of the states and ¾ of the states to ratify it. You don’t need an election to do this in Article Five of the constitution. During the convention, you could discuss war powers, and the charter hasn’t been followed in that a declaration of war hasn’t happened in over eighty years. That is since World War 2. Also, you could talk about ending the culture war. So America can do its mission and get real important issues done. Also, you could end the wars in the Middle East and Ukraine versus Russia in the manuscript. Finally, the American people can vote on Federal issues in the charter, like in the states.
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